Sunday, April 13, 2008

Wikipedia is [sic].

like walter benjamin.

  • Is this an accurate article?
  • Does it cover all the basic facts that you'd need to understand this topic?
  • Does this article follow the wikipedia guidelines for useful articles?
  • Is this article fair and balanced, or is it biased towards a particular side or argument?
  • What changes would you make to this article to improve it and make it useful for the wider wikipedia community?
  • Finally - What changes would you make to this article to improve it and make it useful for the wider wikipedia community?


It can be considered accurate; but it doesn't list any historical references. that being said the history of the lasso could possibly not be very well documented.

the article covers basic facts to a degree, it covers the object, the uses etc however it does not cover the exact inventor. This may be due to the inventor/s simply not being known however.

the article follows the guidelines to a degree; it summarizes but it does not list a certifiable reference or have any citations.

the article is fair. its hard to be biased about a piece of rope. unless you are debating the inventor, what constitutes a lasso or if it even exists.

it could be improved if it had some relevant historical citations or background information added.

Cow Tipping

the article is rather dubious as cow tipping is only an alleged activity.

the article only provides minor details; but this may be because it is a minor topic.
it does however cite real legislation against the activity.

it does not. its only a 'stub' (its not listed as one, but its very basic)

it is fair, it acknowledges that the event is possible, however it also quotes that it is likely impossible.

its almost impossible to add to the article; it covers what is necessary.

Now playing: Emarosa - PretendReleaseTheClose
via FoxyTunes

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